Wednesday 16 November 2011

The Traveler

The traveler travels with time and gathers the dust of time under his bare feet …he wanders season to season to gather the wisdom bit by bit in his handmade satchel of woven thoughts and threshed longings…

In summer he collects all the moments taking naps under the shade of afternoon trees and writes the stories of the young love playing freely in the streets of leisure…and his satchel clams for more…

In Autumn he picks up the dry memories soaring in the haunting winds of cold evenings …seeping into the closed windows of reminiscing minds..and his satchel clams for more…

In Winter he gathers the snow of unfulfilled desire capping the mountains of forgotten tales printed in aging books and his satchel clams for more…

In spring he sweeps all the fragrances of smiles and laughters blooming from the hearts of the lonesome gleaming with hopes again..

He empties his satchel at the feet of nature’s tombstone garnished with flowers of unsolved mysteries…

He washes his feet in the running water of eternal springs of unknown destinies and takes some sleep under the golden rays of spring sun smiling upon the sky of new journeys ….


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